Here are the top Guide you need to know for Dragon Ball Z Dokkan BattleHere are the top Guide for Dragon Ball Z Dokkan you need to know for Dragon Bal
Here are the top Guide you need to know for Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle
Here are the top Guide for Dragon Ball Z Dokkan you need to know for Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle.
When you participate in battle, it’s important to take advantage of your characters’ Link Skills. Link Skills come to fruition once you place the appropriate Z-Warriors in line. For instance, placing General Tao, Tien and Chiaotzu or even Saiyan fighters in the right formation will give them a stat boost. You can switch up your current character at any time and see if any Link Skills come up on the bottom row that displays each fighter’s turn.
Once you make your way onto the board for a stage, you’ll encounter a bunch of different variables. You’ll always get a choice of three randomized numbers that stand for how many spaces you can move. When you spot a grey space, nothing happens. Red spaces with crosshairs deplete your HP. Question mark spaces will supply you with something random, good or bad. Blue spaces award you with capsules, Zeni (money) or more Ki for one of your characters. Red spaces signal that it’s time for a battle (the ones with a stop sign have to be beaten in order for you to progress). The spaces that feature Fortune Teller Baba lets you have an item for a price. Plus, you can gather Dragon Ball’s on any spaces that feature them.